XX - The Aeon (AKA Judgement)

The Aeon is the card of healing and transformation, of atonement and forgiveness. This card tells us it is time to draw a line under the past. You have atoned for your wrongs, made the hard choices and made a fresh start. You are reborn and are making a difference to the world around you. It is a far cry from where you were when you began this journey, and your inner conviction has taken you a long way. The only forgiveness you need now is your own. The past is just that. It cannot be changed, but the lessons you have learned along the way have shaped who you are today. The future is yours to shape.

Ill versed it can speak of disappointment and indecision, something to which you are prone. Do not hesitate else you miss the opportunity that arises. It can indicate a judgement of some kind - legal, spiritual, or moral - and brings a final decision in respect of the past, setting the current for the future path.

You know what you must do.