XVIII - The Moon

As the moon holds power over the oceans, this card holds sway over the realm of the subconscious and the spiritual. It is a card of spiritual awakening and renewal. It is heavily associated with psychic abilities and finding mental clarity. It reminds us that in order to find clarity of purpose one must get in touch with one's deeper self, face up to one's fears, and bring one’s shadow back into balance with the light. Understand your demons and release them, for their darkness no longer serves you.

This card symbolises the waxing and waning of periods of our life, the neverending cycle of change, renewal, and rebirth. It reminds us that we are supposed to change over time, and only by changing over time can we hope to evolve and adapt to a changing situation or environment. The Moon tells us that we are standing at the threshold and need to look at how we can change the cycles of behaviour that are bad for us, and stop perpetuating them as they no longer serve the version of us that we want to be. The power to do this lies inside you and in the silence of the world, and the change must be manifested from within to break the cycle once and for all.

Ill versed the Moon is the card of deception and illusion, anxiety and distraction. It can signal ill health or loss, but can also indicate that you are on the brink of an important change, the darkest hour before dawn. Bathe in her soft white light, and let the world pass over you. She will keep you safe if you can see that all is connected. Don’t believe the illusion, for down that path madness lies.