XIV - Art (AKA Temperance)

Art, for me, is one of the most interesting cards of the Major Arcana. Whilst it speaks of harmony, compromise, and co-operation, something the world could very much do with a lot more of, it is very much about finding the middle ground and harnessing the power of that harmonious partnership or relationship.

It tells us that a period of consolidation is required, time to recover your energies, heal and regroup. It describes a person full of self control and calm, one who is adaptable and balanced and a good influence on those around them.

This card reminds us that we are on the right path, but that not all progress comes in leaps and bounds. Sometimes there will be periods where your growth feels slow, like you have stagnated. Art is here to comfort us and say that it is okay to plateau. You’ve come so far that you forget where you started from. The period of growth you have experienced is beyond your wildest expectations. Enjoy the moment, enjoy your newfound skills, enjoy the silence; for that is where you will always find the answers you need.

As with all cards, as with humanity, this is a card of duality and ill versed it speaks of discord and conflict, disunion and hostility. You may be frustrated with where you are and the seeming lack of progress you are making. Don't allow your impatience to cloud your judgement. Expectation is the death of reality, a false picture of how things should be. There is only the moment, all else is immutable history and unnecessary speculation. Just breathe. You’ve got this.