XIII - Death

Oh, the Grim Reaper, the death of what is and the birth of what will be. This card does not usually indicate a physical death, but rather the death of Ego and the birth of Spirit. It is the card of transformation and change, either voluntary or involuntary, and is the next step on the path of your enlightenment. It is a sudden and unexpected change, and signals that it could be time to move on.

Change is inevitable. It is the one constant in our universe. Everything changes over time, from the trees and flowers, to the individual and societies. One thing is clear, our path is set and we will continue to be presented with opportunities to grow and evolve. Transformation is part of the beauty of life, and should be embraced as such, for who wants stagnation and boredom?

Change will come whether we like it or not, so why not embrace the opportunities that are presented to you? This card tells us that it is time to confront our inner fears and embrace change, for the transition is inevitable, so why not go with the flow and be reborn once again.