XI - Strength

Strength is the card of courage, inner strength, energy, and action. It indicates that you have found your passion in life, and are able to pursue it with vigour. It tells you to have the courage of your convictions, and know that you can endure. You must persevere in the face of obstacles, facing them head on and seeing them through to the conclusion.

The card reminds you to draw on the inner strength that you know you have, that quiet resolve that steers you through times of great need. It can also speak of a steadfast friend, one who will be there when your world has collapsed and who will rise alongside you through this path they call life.

Ill versed and the card speaks of the weakness of man, the pettiness and tyranny in which he excels. It hints at a sickness or abuse of power, reminding you that a lack of faith in yourself never leads to good places.