VIII - Justice (sometimes known as Adjustment)

Justice indicates harmony, balance, equality, and fairness. It is the card of cause and effect, and of impartiality. Its presence indicates the making of connections between things. Everything is connected, from the tiniest minutiae of daily life, to the global events that impact daily on our wellbeing and happiness. Once you accept that knowledge, then you have the power to observe the world with a level of impartiality that most cannot hope to achieve.

Ill versed it speaks to us of bias and false accusations, intolerance, unfairness, or abuse. As the positive aspects of this card speak of peace, harmony, and equality for all, the negative aspects speak to us of cruelty, of lies and deceit. It’s a lack of tolerance of others, a belief that you are in some way superior to other people. It can indicate a lack of understanding on the part of others, or in the way that you portray yourself for the world to see. Where Ego overrides Spirit we see not our brothers and sisters, but a stranger to be feared and distrusted.