The Magus, beginning to cast his spell

On this new path of mine I find time to reflect on the second card of the Major Arcana, Der Magier, The Magus, or The Magician. This has always been one of my favourite cards. The Magus speaks of creativity, action, skill, and will. This card signifies the raw chaotic power of potential, the creation of something new. It seems apt as I embark on this new journey of mine.

The Magus talks to us of the talents and resources that you have available to you, the ability to create new realities out of nothing but your own inner gifts and force of will. If the Fool is the start of the journey, that preparation for the first step over the precipice, then Der Magier signifies that you have the ability and power to make changes. It tells us to act now, as long as you know what you want and are committed to it. The old magician’s catch phrase ‘Abracadabra’ translates as ‘I create as I speak’, and that is the message that underpins the interpretation of the Magus.    

You need to look inside you and assess what abilities and resources you have available to you. As with all of the Tarot, it is not just concerned with the physical resources that you have. The Magus speaks more to the emotional, the spiritual, the gifts that you harbour in your subconscious, like memories that have been long, long forgotten. Der Magier asks us to look inside, to realise that the solution to your problems is inside you. Tap into the spirit that flows through you, harness it, and channel the pure energy of creation, making the unconscious conscious, and telling you to go forth and create.

And as I sit here, pontificating on this most magical of cards, I embrace the message it sends and begin to create. I have devoted my life to understanding the Tarot, and applying its teachings and guidance to my life. It is time now for me to give back and to share what I have learnt in the hope that it can aid you as you traverse life’s path. I hope you find it useful.