Ten of Cups

The Ten of Cups is the card of satiety. It speaks to us of a happy family life and of true and strong friendships, of connection, trust, and reliability. You have reached a plateau having achieved all that you thought you wanted. The Nine is the card of serenity, inner peace, and lasting happiness. It says that you should have no regrets over the past, for has not that past, unpleasant as it may be at times, shaped who you are today?

It is time for you to seize the day and live in the moment, for in that moment a new quest will be revealed, a new journey for you to undertake. This card is very much one for the spiritual realm rather than the physical.

Ill versed, the Nine tells us not to take happiness for granted. It is a rare state and one that can be undone quickly should you not stay grounded and in the moment. A lack of stability within you can lead to unstable relationships, and if you approach things without being in a grounded state then it is likely that you will escalate things. Don’t let emotion be the master of your mind.