Six of Disks

The sixes represent the consciousness of the suit made manifest, moving beyond idea and into reality. The Six of Disks, sometimes known as Success, is firmly rooted in the material world. It indicates a harmony with the material, and reminds us that in this world men have created our material needs are many, and require some kind of wealth to sustain them.

The six stands for gain, yet the extent of that gain is yet to be defined. It could indicate a single occurrence, or a more sustainable income of money, goods, or things. The coarseness of this world is such that without the material we struggle to exist, and the more distracted we are from our spiritual path the less likely we are to question the world around us.

It tells us to be thankful for what we are about to receive, and remember to share for it is in service to others that we achieve nirvana. You never know when you could be the one giving away wealth or the beggar in receipt. There but by circumstance go we all.

Ill versed, it warns against the destructive power of debt, and cautions against taking on more than we have, or spending beyond our means. Sometimes the key to our own wealth is in our own hands, we just don’t hear it for all the noise. Reigning in our own extravagances can generate a wealth of different kinds, of a more spiritual nature. It is good to be disciplined and to have self control, not just over our material needs but over our emotional responses to difficult situations. Until we challenge the way that we respond we will continue to see the same outcomes again and again. What need is our material desire trying to fill?