Seven of Disks

Seven’s are not always the most positive of cards, and the Seven of Disks is no different. It is sometimes called Failure, and speaks of waiting for a reward to arrive having not made the effort required for it to happen. We can only achieve growth through effort and hard work, for to reconcile our shadow we must oppose it with all our might.

Take some time to reflect on your progress. Look at where you have come from to where you are. Look at this thing you are opposing. Look how far you have come in such a short time. Whilst the seven can indicate failure, it can also indicate impatience. You may not be seeing the rewards for your efforts yet.

Some things take longer than others to see an impact. Rather than see a lack of progress as failure, the lesson is to have patience. Trust that if you are making the required effort then the results will come in time. It can be a big ask to place your faith in something only you can see, but, after all, are you not just placing your faith in yourself?

Ill versed, this card very much speaks of failure. It speaks of repeating patterns of behaviour that you cannot seem to address that keep causing you to revert to behaviours that no longer serve you. You keep allowing your unconscious behaviours to dominate you, and therefore keep repeating this cycle that you should be long done with. The seven reminds you that you need to consciously oppose negative patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you and which you wish to overcome. It requires effort and hard work, there is no easy way. If you are not prepared to put in the required effort, then why would you expect a different outcome each time? And if you keep repeating the same cycle and expecting a different outcome without changing your behaviour, then does not the fault lie with you?