Seven of Cups

The seven is often the consequence of the six, and the seven of Cups represents extremes of pleasure and sinking into the mire that can follow. It suggests we are unable to choose our direction in life. We need to make a choice about love when we don’t know where it is going. Within pleasure and satiety comes boredom and the need to try something new, and this card speaks of choosing carefully where we apply the efforts of our hearts.

It says we have a long overworked imagination, and that we can be distracted from our true purpose by pleasures of the mind and flesh. Our imagination is running wild, and it can be tempting to believe the lies and delusions that often plague us in our moments of doubt. Thoughts are like feelings, and we let them come, entertaining them, exploring them, and then letting them go lest we dwell too long in the realm of fantasy.

Ill versed it suggests that a hasty choice is as damaging as a bad choice, and that we are at risk of being all talk and no action. We need to follow through on our words. It is only through action with intent that we can change the reality around us and the way we interact with it. Be true to yourself and make the unconscious conscious. We must choose carefully which way we tread and be not distracted by the thoughts and feelings that intrude to undermine our efforts.