Princess of Cups

The Princess of Cups, like all the picture cards of the minor arcana, generally refers to a person, in this case usually one who lives out the nature of the suit to abandon. Cups are the suit of love and relationships, of compassion, empathy, and the subconscious mind, so this card usually speaks to us of gentleness, sweetness, and kindness. She usually represents the youngest of people, perhaps children or babies, but also those who see the world through innocent eyes or maybe more spiritually evolved than others - whether they know it or not. She can have a head full of daydreams and finds it hard to focus.

The presence of the Princess reminds us that we should let our hearts lead the way and trust in the childlike wonder that lets us see the joy in all things. She tells us we are allowed to express our feelings and to look beyond the superficial level. All things have depths if you can perceive them.

Ill versed, and she can indicate that you think only of yourself. Love, as with all things, is a balance, a little give and little take, working in harmonious union to pursue a common goal. Don’t lose sight of that fact. You need to stop putting your needs above those around you. There is a time and a place for self care and self prioritisation. This is not it, and those you love have needs too. Be mindful to see that you fulfil your obligations, lest the balance tip too far.