Prince of Disks

The Prince of Disks serves as a timely reminder that the people we meet in life, in work, in play, can only ever comprehend us from the depths to which they have comprehended themselves.

The Prince represents someone with energy and stamina, capable and steadfast. They are competent, thoughtful, ingenious, trustworthy, and an ocean of calm in an ongoing storm. They do, however, seem to lack emotion, and make no effort to understand things outside their scope. This kind of blinkered view of the world hinders them from experiencing all that sensation has to offer.

The card reminds us that the only thing that continually gets in our way is ourselves, and it is our own resistance to the changing circumstances of our lives that causes things not to happen for us. The Prince reminds us to listen to the voices of reason and accept your responsibilities. You must be present in the body as much as the mind, but a closed mind knows no reason, and if angered can become impossible to calm.