Prince of Cups

The Prince usually indicates the coming or going of an emotional matter. It can show a person who idolises love yet has a lack of restraint. He can speak of being in a sensitive state, or indicate a proneness to mood swings. We all know the person in our lives that this card speaks to.

The Prince deals with secrecy and craft, reminding us not to judge people by their exterior appearance for it is what lies inside that determines their worth. He tells us that we need to transmute the external factors that influence us to our advantage, and allow growth to move us further along our path.

Ill versed, he speaks of one who is dishonest with those who love them, of secrets and of lies. The Prince has his own goals, his own agenda, and this can make him unreliable when it comes to other people. It is what lies behind the mask that counts, and the Prince serves as a reminder that what lies within is not always the same as what lies without.