Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups is, for me, one of the best cards in the suit, if not the whole deck. It speaks of an assured future, of physical wellbeing, and reward for effort. It can indicate that you are on the verge of your heart’s desire being granted, joy and happiness are there for the taking. You are in line for one of the most emotionally fulfilling times of this life, you simply need to hold steady.

To be clear, this card does not speak of material wealth, it speaks of happiness. It reminds us that the emotional and spiritual side of our self should not be dominated by the physical form and material desire, and that true happiness lies inside and cannot be influenced by the exterior world. Your heart’s desire may not be the same as that of the physical form.

Ill versed, and the Nine can indicate that you are being miserly with your emotions. All we have is the now, and too much time spent dreaming of the future can lead to us missing the experience of this moment. Be mindful of where your thoughts stray, and keep pulling them back to the now. Without the now, the future remains but a dream. Get the balance right. Be present in the moment and in yourself.