II - The High Priestess, wisdom incanate

Wisest of the wise, the High Priestess reminds us that inside us we have knowledge, and that we should trust that inner voice that guides us. She is a teacher who tells us we have something important to remember, learning that we have forgotten. The Priestess urges us to look beyond the obvious, to trust our intuition and the unknown side of ourselves that we must explore and develop to become fully balanced.

She lets us know that we should let things proceed without intervention, that we should trust in the flow of the universe and allow things to develop naturally, all the while listening to that voice of clarity that resides inside us. The one that we try to drown out because it often makes us uncomfortable, reminding us that whilst our lives flow from start to end, the decisions we make along the way are what will determine the path along that flow. We’ve all been in situations where we know we are making bad decisions.

For my shame I lost twelve years of my life to drug addiction. I embraced the lifestyle whole heartedly (I’m an all or nothing kind of guy) and made conscious decisions that I knew were bad for me, bad for the people around me, and sometimes bad for people I didn’t know. They led me to a dark place, from which I have thankfully emerged having been clean for twenty years now. But all the time I was making those bad decisions, knowing the effect they were having on me and other people, there was always a voice in my ear telling me that there was another way, that I could choose not to make those same decisions. Addiction is a terrible cycle that is devastating to the person suffering from it. It is our responsibility to break those cycles and choose another way, to stop perpetuating the things that do us and others harm and to create a brighter future.

It is that inner voice that the High Priestess speaks of, it is the knowledge we all have, no matter how deeply we have tried to bury it, that we can always choose to do something differently no matter how small an action it is. Each day is a fresh chance to change your life, and to embrace the light that dwells in each and every one of us. So, listen to her when she speaks. Embrace what is inside you and break the cycle that keeps you trapped.