Four of Disks

The four of Disks, as with all fours, deals with the suit made manifest - in this case representing accumulation of power and property, a material gain that will provide the means to sustain stability. The card indicates generosity and a propensity for sharing, something that more and more seems sorely lacking from the material cesspool we inhabit.

It suggests that we manage our affairs through negotiation, through a pacific approach, choosing peace and compromise over the will to dominate and impose our conditions upon others. The suit of Disks (over Coins or Pentacles) reminds us of the connection to energy, the spinning disks of the chakras allowing us to move between the worlds of physicality and of energy, of spirit. An exchange of energies is as much a transaction as an exchange of goods, and this card reminds us that a peaceful and harmonious exchange of energy will always lead to a far healthier outcome than one where either side tries to exert control. As in all things, balance between the world of energy and the world of form is key.

Ill versed, the card shows a lack of give and take, a one sided balance to a situation in the material world. It reminds us that everything is a trade or negotiation, whether it be for money, goods, time, information, affection, lust. Families, friends, lovers - we trade part of ourselves to them everytime we interact. You need to open up and start sharing more of you with those around you who matter the most. You may be surprised by the results.