Five of Disks

The fives represent an upset of the established stable order of the suit, and the Five of Disks is certainly no different in that respect. It is the card of loss: loss of possessions, money, goods, or things. It is very much material loss, whether that is inflationary or otherwise.

It can signify poor health, feeling run down and tired. The card may show that a period of tough learning is about to come upon you, one that could result in destitution. You must learn to preserve your energies and not be so generous with allowing people into your spaces.

It serves as a reminder that no matter how well we think we have things planned, there are always things that are out of our control. An over reliance on the material world for satisfaction distracts us from what is truly important, our connection to the planet, to one another, and the source energy that unites all things. We are not separate from our world, we are but a small part of it that has forgotten its place.

In the loneliness of having lost everything, one truly sees that there is more to the human condition than the mindless pursuit of wealth and things. The only growth that is of value is our spiritual growth, the growth of our consciousness, the pursuit of a closer alignment between our higher selves and our physical form, of becoming spirit made flesh. In this way, once the lesson is learned, the card can indicate that things are on the turn.