Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups indicates that you have reached a significant junction in your life. On the one hand it is clear that you need to turn away from your current path. You have fallen out of love with what you do, times feel tough, and worries weigh you down. You feel as though you are clinging to something that has no meaning, and are in need of a new challenge.

The card tells you that you need to accept the signs of change. As we emotionally and spiritually grow and evolve as people, the things that once served us no longer provide the same nourishment. The Eight is the card that tells you that whilst abandoning your current path is a noble concept, there needs to be a clear vision of what the alternative is. Yes you have grown, yes you need change. You need to define what that change is and work towards it. The path will appear once you start on the journey.

Ill versed, the card reminds us that our only obstacle on our path is ourselves. Sometimes that can be the biggest obstacle of all, and the answer to how to overcome it will always lay in the places inside you that you fear to tread. There is a saying that your task lies where you fear to tread, and that is always the case, for it is only through confronting our fears that we are able to grow. By conquering the darkness that resides inside us we are able to overcome our fears, but it is only by direct opposition to them, and that will bring us to the place where we need to confront them. Your fears are simply your mind trying to keep you in a comfortable place. It is your flight, fright, or freeze reflex dominating your conscious mind. To grow one must move past this. Change is inevitable. Whether it is pleasurable or painful is up to you.